GoMaD Newsletter #7 | A Life of Faith

Seeing this project take shape and progress over time to begin to present a promise of something significant, is quite something. Many thoughts rush through one’s mind over and over again; this is getting serious, this is huge, what were we thinking, how do we keep this going, who do we think we are?

I wish I could tell you I have it all sorted and under control. The Lord fills us with such excitement for what can be. We can see the place filled with people who in some way receive from the Lord. We can touch the significance of the ministry through this place dedicated to the Lord. Then one has to pay bills and buy taps and basins, lights and geysers, and one feels the limitations, and concern floods in. Have we bitten off more than we can chew?

From highs to lows the Father interjects and encourages and calms in ways and times that are unexpected and random. Good friends visit and encourage just by their presence and fellowship. We get 10% off at Builders on Wednesdays, we find things on great specials, friends make a donation that comes at just the right time, a sermon or devotion stirs deep hope and joy in the Lord.

I can’t imagine any other kind of life. A life of faith in the one true Creator God. And then a young person, whose life one has had the privilege of journeying with, visits and blesses us. Ah, it is indeed a life of worship. Thank you Jesus.

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